Monday, June 28, 2010


Can somebody please tell me what is the name of this fruit?
Where can i have some information about this fruit?

Thank you

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome to my home

Hi everyone!!
Thank you for visiting my blog, even by accident.
This is my first blog ever but i hope you will like it.
I just want to do something different in my life, you could say "out from the box"
Ok, let's cut this chit chat and start with the blog.
I hope you will enjoy it.



On one occasion, the Buddha was invited by the Brahmin Bharadvaja for alms to his house. As invited, the Buddha visited the house of the Brahmin. Instead of entertaining Him, the Brahmin poured forth a torrent of abuse with the filthiest of words. The Buddha politely inquired:

"Do visitors come to your house, good Brahmin?"
"Yes," he replied.
"What do yu do when they come?"
"Oh, we prepare a sumptuous feast."
"What do you if they refuse to receive the meal?"
"Why, we gladly partake of them ourselves."
"Well, good Brahmin, you have invited me for alms and entertained me with abuse which I decline to accept. So now it belongs to you."
From the Akkosa Sutta

The Buddha did not retaliate but politely gave back what the Brahmin had given Him. Retaliate not, the Buddha advised. "Hatred does not cease through hatred but through love alone they cease."